Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The Journey Home

Well, I started the day out good because Odd and Lita made me a really good breakfast to send me off with. Then, I made sure I had packed everything I needed and we loaded up the car. They had decided to drive me to a bus stop a little farther away so that there would be less people on it. Once we saw the bus coming we started saying our goodbyes and it was pretty sad, but I know I'll visit them sometime in the near future when I go back to Norway. My bus ended up being about 20 minutes late getting to the airport, so I lost all of my shopping time. I did make my flight to Copenhagen though. I had about 45 minutes in the Copenhagen airport so I bought some lunch and went through the duty free shop and spotted Freia chocolate so I of course bought it. Then, I had an eight hour flight from Copenhagen to Toronto. When we landed in Toronto I had to go through customs and ended up having about an hour where I was able to just sit and actually check my phone and tell my parents I was okay. I had a two and a half hour flight to Winnipeg and it was easy sailing from there because it was just to pick up my luggage and sit in the car the entire way home. I am so exhausted though because I've been up for over 24 hours now and traveled for about 18 of those hours; it definitely feels nice to be home though. I'm going to miss Norway so much, it will probably take me awhile to adjust to life here again.

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