Saturday, March 14, 2015

ACN Open House

Today was ACN's open house where a bunch of people interested in coming to school here came and I volunteered to help out along with 9 other students. There were presentations and various breakout sessions, which in total lasted about 2 hours. During part of the open house, all of us current students talked about where we were from, why we chose ACN, etc. We also toured Stallen, the main apartment building (5) where they went into one of the apartments and my apartment building where they went into Veronika's apartment (7). After the tours, everyone went back to Stallen and we had pizza (which is basically why I signed up to help) and it gave everyone that was visiting a chance to talk to all of us current students and some of the faculty here. Most of us students just sat together talking to each other because most everyone had left or was talking to Becky or Haley. I visited with a couple of my teachers for a bit, including my comp/film teacher and his adorable kids (Gracelyn is 2 or 3 and Henrik who is about 1). I also talked with Krista's husband (Kirsta is the director of the school) for quite some time; he was wondering what I thought of Norway, why I chose ACN, if I have any Scandinavian ancestry, among many other things. Once everyone had left, Veronika and I headed back to our apartments. Since today is Friday the 13th, they had a scary movie slumber party at Stallen, which even included a seance, but of course I did not participate because I cannot stand scary movies. Instead of going, I stayed home and wrote some more on my paper about Silence of the Lambs and watched Netflix.

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